Zero-G combat does show up in TTB, it's contained in the Vacc Suit skill. The later books that include Zero-G combat as a skill do little more than restate the rules given for Vacc Suit.

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Double checked, but not finding it yet.

Vacc Suit p.28 (character generation, skills)

Vacc Suit: The individual has been trained and has experience in the use of the standard vacuum suit (space suit), including armored battle dress and suits for use on various planetary surfaces in the presence of exotic, corrosive, or insidious atmospheres.

Non-breathable atmospheres or hostile environments can be easily overcome by use of protective equipment, but the danger of minor mishaps becoming fatal remains great. A basic throw of 10+ to avoid a dangerous situation applies whenever any non-ordinary maneuver is attempted while wearing a vacc suit (including running, jumping, hiding, jumping untethered from one ship to another, or other such activity). Allow a DM of +4 per level of expertise. When such an incident occcurs, it may be remedied by*any character with vacc suit skill (including the character in danger) on a throw of 7+; DMs: per level of expertise, +2; if no expertise, -4. Battle dress and combat armor are special forms of armored vacc suit and require at least vacc suit-1 to wear at all.

P.48 - Zero Gravity in Personal Combat

Zero Gravity: Virtually all weapons have recoil (except laser carbines and laser rifles) and in a zero-g environment this recoil can disorient or render helpless individuals not trained to compensate for it. When fighting in a zero-G environment, any individual has a chance of losing control of his or her movement/position each combat round. Throw 10+ to avoid losing control. DMs: -4 if firing a weapon. +5 if using a handhold. -6 if performing a swing or blow. +2 if dexterity 9+. Additional +2 if dexterity 11+ . Using a handhold reduces dexterity (for the above DMs and for required or advantageous dexterity) by -4.

Individuals who lose control may not fire until they have reoriented themselves and regained control. Roll 10+ in each subsequent combat round; DMs as above except handholds and weapons may not be used.

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